An online course over 3 Saturdays
Your Love Birthright
February 1 Surrendering Barriers: Family of Origin and Ancestral Secrets
February 22 Releasing Hidden Grief: The Effect of Colonial Culture on the Energy Field
March 22 The Tuning Fork of Divine Love: Initiatory Experience
An interesting journey through Love...
As human beings incarnating on Earth during this lifetime, we had a tendency to close off to love, as this dimension's duality was so foreign to us. The experience of separation from the light plane was often painful. This conditioning is so ingrained within the make-up of our energetic system that it is quite unconscious. Within the Accelerated Awakening work, in this Field of Belonging, allow this heaviness to be lifted. Experience the lightness of being that you were born to feel!
During this 3-part series, we'll also restore some of the self-respect lost, within the cultural influence, when the native peoples were displaced on this continent. This is a largely unseen influence and deeply affects spiritual, respectful people in many unspoken ways. It is at the root of some of the unknown grief that is carried, which is a scar in the energy field. It is an important and new transmutation for humanity and for the Earth.
The transformative impact of this series can be profound, lifting the dense layers of Western influence with it's habitual disrespect for the natural resources, native peoples, and cycles of life, largely misunderstood as unknown weight in the emotions. It's an exciting time to be one of the forerunners of this particular clearing for humanity, and a great service to your family.
We will also experience healings within the atmosphere of the emotional body, relating to secret and unresolved parental baggage. This can be quite an eye-opening experience! With the greater freedom this healing brings, you'll be able to create your dreams of love more gracefully!
- Experience gentle healings designed to lift layers of negative imprinting
- Receive Love of the Highest Order
- Activate your natural birthright to a loving Divine interface with life
- Speed up your clearing of heavy history
- Restore more of the natural flow with pure Love
- Receive new encoding with the Divine Tuning Fork
Be one of the first to embody the new freedom resulting from these liberating clearings, as these new frequencies naturally radiate from your Great Heart to the planet!
- A 3-session initiatory journey over 3 months, on Saturdays at 10 am Pacific, 1 pm Eastern
- Participate online or by phone (or if your children prefer to play or rest, they don't need to be online)
- Recordings will be available in the Online Library for your continued immersion in these Energies
- $22 usd per month, for 3 payments
- If you miss a session, Lynette will include you energetically in the healing transmissions and activations
- Your children under 18 are included free of charge